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    • 94. 发明专利
    • Improvements in or relating to Electric Incandescence Lamps.
    • GB190428467A
    • 1905-02-02
    • GB190428467D
    • 1904-12-27
    • 28,467. Thompson, W. P., [Deutsche Gasgl³hlicht Akt.-Ges. (Auer Ges.)]. Dec. 27. Incandescent lamps. - The filament is held by metallic supports, the ends of which are fused around the filament, by an electric arc for instance, and allowed to cool quickly. Filaments so supported may be in the form of a single loop, or of several straight filaments supported and connected at their ends as shown in Fig. 2, or of a multiple loop. The supports h, i, k, l, m, n are inserted in a glass holder b and connected in pairs. The fusion may be effected by connecting the filament to one pole of an electric supply, and touching the metallic support for an instant with a thin carbon or metal rod connected to the other pole. Fig. 5 shows an apparatus in which the air is displaced by a suitable gas. The electrode u pivoted at v is brought into contact with the support d, which may be hooked to retain the filament, and the electrode w is then moved into contact for an instant, the electrodes being movable in the stuffing-boxes t, x. The operation may be effected on a stream of the gas, without the bell-jar.
    • 95. 发明专利
    • Process for the Formation of Incandescence Bodies for Electric Incandescence Lamps.
    • GB190427713A
    • 1905-01-19
    • GB190427713D
    • 1904-12-19
    • 27,713. Thompson, W. P., [Deutsche Gasgl³hlicht Akt.-Ges. (Auer Ges.)]. Dec. 19. Incandescent lamps. - Filaments of osmium and other materials which are brittle when cold are bent into shape while heated to incandescence in a reducing-atmosphere. In the case of a light reducing-gas, such as one containing much hydrogen, the operations are carried out in a tubular vessel open below, through which a current of the gas is passed downwards. If a heavy reducing-gas is employed, the opposite arrangement must be adopted. In order to bend a long loop k into two shorter ones, the prolongations g of the current-conducting wires h, Fig. 5, are clamped in terminals m attached to a suitable frame. The apparatus is introduced from below into the vessel a, Fig. 2, through which the gas passes, the filament is heated to incandescence by a current, and the lower bend of the loop is taken hold of by a hook of magnesia attached to a long handle, and is lifted and passed over a hook i. This latter hook is of metal or of thorium oxide, and is attached to the glass foot f. If of metal, it may be fused into a ball to hold the filament fast. For this purpose, the vessel a may be provided with a fixed electrode d and a tubular projection b into which an electrode c can be inserted ; when the filament has been bent, the hook is placed in contact with the electrodes d, c and an arc produced by withdrawing the latter electrode. To bend a straight filament into a loop, it is laid across two platinum hooks p, Fig. 8, carried by a frame n, to which is also attached a receptacle o for catching the filament when bent. The frame is introduced as before into the vessel a, the electrode c being pushed back out of the way and the electrode d replaced by a rod, preferably of thorium oxide. The filament is heated to incandescence by a current through the two hooks, and the frame is raised so that the rod d engages the filament and bends it down between the hooks. The apparatus may have more than one pair of hooks, so that more than one filament can be bent without removing the frame from the vessel a.
    • 97. 发明专利
    • An Improved Systems for Wireless Telegraphy.
    • GB190426367A
    • 1905-01-05
    • GB190426367D
    • 1904-12-03
    • 26,367. Thompson, W. P., [Ges. f³r Drahtlose Telegraphie]. Dec. 3. Telegraphs.-Relates to a system of wireless telegraphy in which the tuning of the receiver to the transmitter is obtained by mechanical means. Fig. 1 represents a transmitter. A spark gap b is introduced in the aÙrial a, which spark gap is also included in a vibration circuit containing a condenser c. The condenser is charged from a transformer d, which is fed from an alternating-current machine, or by direct current if an interrupter of which the frequency can be adjusted is used. The receiver is shown in Fig. 2. The detector g, which may be electrolytic or similar in its action to a microphone, that is, one which returns automatically to its initial condition, is connected across by a battery i and an adjustable resistance h. And in parallel with this is connected the mechanical vibrator k, condenser l, and inductance coil m. The mechanical vibration system consists preferably of a vibration galvanometer tuned to the frequency of the alternating current or interrupter at the sending -station. The circuit l, m, g, k may with advantage be tuned to the same frequency. The movements of the vibrator may be recorded in any suitable way ; in the Figures, it is shown for simplicity as a relay. When the resistance of the detector is constant, no current flows through the vibrator k, owing to the presence of the condenser l. This does away with the " zero error " to which the vibrator would be liable if it were constantly traversed by a current when the resistance of the detector remained unaltered. The detector g is not necessarily in the aÙrial conductor, but may be acted on inductively by it.
    • 99. 发明专利
    • Improvements in and connected with Ornamental Stitching and Embroidery Machines.
    • GB190401396A
    • 1904-11-10
    • GB190401396D
    • 1904-01-19
    • 1396. Thompson, W. P., [Gegauf, Gebr.]. Jan. 19. Hem-stitching.machines ; lock-stitch shuttle sewing- machines; multiple-needle machines; needle - bars, vibrating laterally; needle - driving; needleholders; perforating-devices.-In a hem-stitching machine, in order that the direction of stitching may be varied, the needle and borer bars are mounted in a revoluble tube 1, and the shuttles are carried by a pivoted frame 14, both of which are positively connected, by band or chain gear 31, 32, 33, to a shaft which may be rotated by a handle under the work-support. The needle-bars 65 are attached to the inside tube 3, by a block 63, and the borer is attached by a sleeve 4 to a tube 5. Both tubes receive independent motions from a crank 7 acting through sliding frames 8, 9 and sleeves 12, 13 fixed to the tubes by screws which pass through slots in the enveloping tubes. Needles 2 are attached to needle-bars 65 by clamp-rings 68 and, owing to the resilience of the needle-bars, normally lie in slots in the sides of the borer, so as to form stitches immediately on the edges of the hole made by the borer. But at every third stitch, a wedge-headed rod 69, Fig. 15, is depressed by a cranked lever 73, Fig. 11, and forces the needles apart in order to cause the formation of the stitch shown in Fig. 21. To produce this intermittent motion relative to the needle-bar tube 3, the lever 73 is mounted on the actuating frame 8 and gears in a vertical slide 75 through which it receives the horizontal motion imparted to a lever 79 by a suitably-geared cam 80. Circular shuttles 37 are mounted side by side in the revoluble frame 14, and are separated by a circular rib 36. A shaft 40, also carried by the frame 14, carries a segmental shuttle driver and receives an oscillatory motion from a toothed segment 44 which is geared by means of levers 47, 48, &c. to a crank on the main shaft. Governing needle thread. - The wedge-headed rod 69 may be made hollow and serve to convey the thread to the needles. Presser-feet; presser lifted automatically; feed. -The presser-foot and the foot of the materialshifting device each comprise a circular frame 55 and a dished india-rubber ring 61 so that when held on the material, the ring 61 expands and stretches the material engaged. The presser is lifted by a cam and lever when the material is to be fed.
    • 100. 发明专利
    • Improvements in or relating to Air Pumps.
    • GB190420396A
    • 1904-10-27
    • GB190420396D
    • 1904-09-21
    • 20,396. Thompson, W. P., [Wray Pump and Register Co.]. Sept. 21. Compressing.-A compound air pump of the type in which two pistons, working in cylinders of unequal capacities, are operated by means of racks and pinions is shown in Fig. 1. The larger piston 11 is actuated directly by means of the handle 34, while the smaller piston-rod 15 is pivotally connected to a double rack 16 of U-shaped crosssection, as shown in Fig. 3, which engages with the small pinions 18 fixed upon either side of the large pinion 13, so that, as the piston 11 reciprocates, the piston 15 reciprocates in the reverse direction with a smaller velocity but with a greater power. The rack 16 is made in the form described in order to relieve the gear axis from end thrust, and its teeth are omitted for a short space at the upper end so that the smaller piston can be thrown out of action when desired. A hook 19 attached to the upper end of the rack serves the double purpose of holding the rack in its inoperative position, when the hook is in the position shown in Fig. 1, and of preventing the rack from dropping into the said position when the hook is turned round into the position shown in Fig. 2. The handle 34 is made double to avoid contact of the operator's hand with the opposite rack, and a guard or warning-device 35 is fixed in the centre to prevent its being grasped at the middle. The usual check valves are provided between the two cylinders and in the outlet pipe.