- 专利标题: 以水燃料池(WFC,Water Fuel Cell)將汽油瓦斯混合車改為即時水生氫氧混合氣(H2+O2)汽車
- 专利标题(英):Changing gasoline hybrid petrol automobile into instantaneous aqueous H2+O2 automobile with (WFC, Water Fuel Cell)
- 专利标题(中):以水燃料池(WFC,Water Fuel Cell)将汽油瓦斯混合车改为实时水生氢氧混合气(H2+O2)汽车
- 申请号:TW100125249 申请日:2011-11-18
- 公开(公告)号:TW201321226A 公开(公告)日:2013-06-01
- 发明人: 程斌 , CHENG, BIN , 洪永杰 , HONG, YONG CHIEH
- 申请人: 程斌 , CHENG, BIN , 洪永杰 , HONG, YONG CHIEH
- 申请人地址: 彰化縣
- 专利权人: 程斌,CHENG, BIN,洪永杰,HONG, YONG CHIEH
- 当前专利权人: 程斌,CHENG, BIN,洪永杰,HONG, YONG CHIEH
- 当前专利权人地址: 彰化縣
- 主分类号: B60K16/00
- IPC分类号: B60K16/00 ; B60L8/00 ; B60K15/10
本發明乃使用極高頻、高電流、低電壓電場加諸於數組間隙小於1.00mm至0.5mm的正、負極板(金屬片-例如不鏽鋼片、銅片、鋁片等等或石墨片)浸泡水中形成電容,在導電加上極高頻、高電流、低電壓直流電後產生L-R-C共振,進而最經濟有效裂解水分子的氫氧化學鍵,產生氫氧混合氣作為燃料,供應汽車引擎動力,並使用電子控制電路控制負載管制(Duty Cycle)最終達成超越法拉第定律(Faraday's Law)及熱力學第一定律的免費能源裝置。
本发明乃使用极高频、高电流、低电压电场加诸于数组间隙小于1.00mm至0.5mm的正、负极板(金属片-例如不锈钢片、铜片、铝片等等或石墨片)浸泡水中形成电容,在导电加上极高频、高电流、低电压直流电后产生L-R-C共振,进而最经济有效裂解水分子的氢氧化学键,产生氢氧混合气作为燃料,供应汽车发动机动力,并使用电子控制电路控制负载管制(Duty Cycle)最终达成超越法拉第定律(Faraday's Law)及热力学第一定律的免费能源设备。
This Invention utilizes a very high frequency, high DC current and low voltage electric fields imposed upon a few set of positive and negative stainless steel plates with gap less than 1.0mm to 0.5mm as capacitors, when submerged in water bath, to generate a L-R-C resonance circuit. It will most effectively broken the water molecular chemical bonds between Hydrogen and Oxygen, and generate Hydrogen and Oxygen gas mixture. This mixture in turn feed into an automobile engine as fuel. This invention also uses the electronic control circuit to manage the duty cycle such that the efficiency of the device will overcome the Faraday's Law and Thermodynamics First Law to achieve the goal of free energy device.